Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I guess I'm just to the point of the school year where I am feeling a little overwhelmed.  Even though I have settled into teaching 1st grade I still feel like I am constantly working to keep up with my lesson planning because it is all new to me.  We had our first round of testing last week and my students did poorly on the writing because I had not prepared them since I did not know we had a writing test.  This is something that I have started to spend more time on but it is hard to fit it all into a day.
I am also stressed out about completing my action research project.  I have made progress on my first two chapters but I have not done any work on chapters 3 and 4.  I collected my test results and inputed the data into excel but I have forgotten completely what to do now.  I emailed my advisor who sent my info to Dr. Tracz who ran my stats but now I am not able to open the file...

So, I am hoping that it all comes together somehow over the next month so that I can finish on time.


Fergusons said...

I 100% understand where you are. I am in the exact location. I do think that we still have plenty of time to complete our projects. We just won't have lives until Dec. =)I'm feeling the same way right now, except that for me, my stress is report cards, parent conferences, benchmark testing, writing, and action research. How crazy we must all feel right now. You are not alone!!!

Katie Coverstone said...

I feel your pain. I, too, am feeling, oh, burned out? Between all of the extra curricular stuff I've got going on, the IEP I'm writing, the SSTs I'm working on, the benchmark exams at work and blah blah blah, I just feel like I'm laggin. I am even playing with the idea of calling in sick just to work on my AR! I am SO GLAD that you have forgotten all of the stuff from Dr. Tracz! I just pulled out the CD and plugged it in, and pulled out the old stuff. I gotta study man!

On the writing note- do you have your kids write in a journal on a daily basis? One of the other teachers had their kids do this on a daily basis last year and they kicked booty on the writing test. I started it this year, and it's really neat to see them naturally incorporating Step up to Writing in their journals. Although it takes time from other stuff, it is useful. I also try to make their journal topics coinside with science, math, and social studies topics like "Write an addition story" or something.

Let me know if I can help in anyway!!!!!

LothLorien Stewart said...

Journals, oh boy am I doing a bad job with that. They have journals and I love journals and I still feel like I can never give them enough time to write in them. I just need to make it a priority. Good reminder! Thank you!

There is a lot to do with our ARPs and I'm feeling really lucky to have a fall break right now. I spent six hours transcribing interviews I did in the Spring today. Boy am I glad to be done with that. Now I can move on. It's just a lot of work, there's no way to get around it. I loved doing the research but writing it up feel a little pointless.

Sarahg18 said...

It's nice to hear that I'm not the only one missing out on things like sleeping and have a social life.
Unfortunately, I found out today that I have to move my classroom over Thanksgiving. I thought that we were moving in december but they changed the date. My school was under construction so I had to move last december into a portable and now the school is almost finished so it's time to move back. So I will be trading off between packing and writing.
At least they hired a moving crew to actually move my stuff, but packing will take some time.