Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Unfortunately I have not been able to run my stats so I do not have any official results at this time.  I have, however, looked at the numbers comparing how my ELs did at the beginning of the year compared to the end of the year.  These students made good progress in phonemic awareness activities.  

My plan once I find someone to help me with my stats is to run a number of different tests.  I want to compare how my ELs did in comparison with the rest of the class.  I also want to compare my class from 2007-2008 with my class from 2006-2007 so that I have a control group.  When I look at the numbers it seems that my class as a whole from 2006-2007 did better on these skills, but they had been doing better since the beginning of the year.  I am curious to see if I have any statistically significant data.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


My school hires a poet every year to come work with the students and give teachers new ideas. This was my first year participating because kindergarteners do not participate.

This was a great experience.  Most of my students were able to write what they wanted to write with a little bit of help.  I learned that a few of my students are really creative and I had not allowed them to show this before.  I will be doing this poetry lesson again soon.

The poet played a CD of instrumental music and had students doodle and draw designs for about 5-10 minutes.  When this was done she had them write about their picture.  They either had to start with "I am" or "I see."  This was a really great experience for some of my students.  I think that one of my students realized that being an author is a real option for a job and I think this really inspired her.